Tác giả CN
| Marsolek,Michael D. |
Nhan đề
| Effect of substrate characteristics on microbial community structure, function, resistance, and resilience; application to coupled photocatalytic-biological treatment /Michael D. Marsolek a, * , Bruce E. Rittmann b |
Từ khóa tự do
| Advanced oxidation |
Từ khóa tự do
| Biodegradation |
Từ khóa tự do
| Wastewater treatment |
Nguồn trích
| Water Research2016-3
Số: 1
Tập: 90 |
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100 | |aMarsolek,Michael D. |
245 | |aEffect of substrate characteristics on microbial community structure, function, resistance, and resilience; application to coupled photocatalytic-biological treatment /Michael D. Marsolek a, * , Bruce E. Rittmann b |
653 | |aAdvanced oxidation |
653 | |aBiodegradation |
653 | |aWastewater treatment |
773 | |tWater Research|v90|i1|d2016-3 |
890 | |c1|a0|b0|d5 |
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