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Mô hình đại học thông minh:kinh nghiệm thế giới và khuyến nghị cho Việt Nam // Tạp chí giáo dục : Tạp chí lí luận - khoa học giáo dục Bộ giáo dục và đào tạo tr.

The strong development of digital technologies has created tremendous and robust changes in the economy, society and all aspects of human life. A comprehensive and accurate understanding of the smart university model is necessary. This article aims to answer the question “What is the smart university model?”, the basic characteristics and components that make up this model; search, analyze and synthesize scientific documents related to the smart university model of some countries in the world. Accordingly, the researchers draw a number of lessons related to developing and implementing the smart university model in Vietnam, thereby making an important contribution to helping Vietnamese universities perform their roles well and deserve their status and contribute more to promoting the development of Vietnam’s knowledge economy.
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Sự hài lòng về công việc của giảng viên trong bối cảnh tự chủ tài chính của một số trường đại học khối kinh tế trên địa bàn thành phố Hà Nội // Tạp chí giáo dục : Tạp chí lí luận - khoa học giáo dục Bộ giáo dục và đào tạo tr.

In the context of financial autonomy becoming a popular and urgent trend for universities in Vietnam, understanding the impact of this policy on lecturer satisfaction is critical. This paper aims to explore the impact of financial autonomy on lecturer satisfaction at some universities of economics in Hanoi City through the use of a qualitative research method by interviewing 10 experts and a quantitative research method with data collected from 250 lecturers through a survey, of which 228 responses were valid. The results indicate that financial autonomy positively affects lecturers' job satisfaction, particularly through factors such as budget allocation for training, salary and benefits decisions, and public asset management. This study is to provide a scientific basis to help universities adjust their financial management strategies to improve faculty satisfaction and engagement.
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